
Before you can play around with Felix ML, you'll need to make sure all the package requirements are met, some of which specific versions might be needed.

I recommend using Anaconda to manage an environment for this, and once Anaconda is installed, you have two options: pip or conda. You may prefer to use conda as pip installs packages in a loop, without ensuring dependencies across all packages are fulfilled simultaneously, but conda achieves proper dependency control across all packages; furthermore, conda allows for installing packages without requiring certain compilers or libraries to be available in the system, since it installs precompiled binaries. Regardless, I recommend pip as conda can take an unacceptably long time to resolve.

  1. Install Anaconda

  2. If you machine has a CUDA-enabled GPU, install CUDA

  3. Choose one of the following methods:


    # clone project
    git clone
    cd felix-ml
    # [OPTIONAL] create conda environment
    conda create -n felix-ml python=3.9
    conda activate felix-ml
    # install pytorch according to instructions
    # install requirements
    pip install -r requirements.txt


    # clone project
    git clone
    cd felix-ml
    # create conda environment and install dependencies
    conda env create -f environment.yaml -n felix-ml
    # activate conda environment
    conda activate felix-ml